CROSMAN Sentinel (black)Pre-teen recurve bow w/2- 26" arrows adjustable pin sight arm guard
CROSMAN Sentinel (black)Pre-teen recurve bow w/2- 26" arrows adjustable pin sight arm guard
CROSMAN Sentinel (black)Pre-teen recurve bow w/2- 26" arrows adjustable pin sight arm guard
CROSMAN Sentinel (black)Pre-teen recurve bow w/2- 26" arrows adjustable pin sight arm guard

CROSMAN Sentinel (black)Pre-teen recurve bow w/2- 26" arrows adjustable pin sight arm guard

Regular price $59.99 Sale

Crosman Sentinel Youth Recurve Crossbow 45" tip to tip - longer limbs designed for improved balance and forgiveness at the shot 20 lb. draw weight 25" max draw - allows for years of use with the same bow set 8" Brace height Optimum hand placement for right-handed shooters Custom string Fiberglass composite limbs Center shot composite riser Heavy duty all weather strings Durable rest Best for intermediate youth archers Best for developing fundamentals of archery and archery skills 65% let-off for ease of draw & steady aiming Package includes (2) composite youth arrows, two-piece quiver, arm guard, finger tab, pin sight & arrow rest.